the fun begins
On the road to the forest where those sounds were heard from Kyle, Conny, Erica, Jennifer, and Jimmothy had been talking about this being the breakout moment as a Bigfoot hunters group. Gushing with excitement and the possibility of a new show on discovery channel. The wendigo having tracked them to their camp site and began the part where it played with it's prey. The first night it mimiced Jimmothy's voice outside Conny's tent and the mimiced Conny's voice outside Jimmothy's tent. It laughed at how fun this is and then mimiced sasquatch sound's and activities thinking to itself to much of a good idea for me and just the notion from a human made machine. The next day conny after waking up and Jimmothy had been cooking breakfast over the campfire asking," hmmm, is that ham and biscuits I smell?" Jimmothy replied," isn't that just a good breakfast" he says as he takes a bite of his Ham biscuit. Conny then gave him a look of disapproval rem...